Would you like to become part of history? Easy steps to become Freemansonic mamber

This is a guide to taking the steps to become a freemason.

Freemasons are a fraternity, the biggest in the world. The main goals of free and accepted masons is fellowship, morality, charity and self development.

Freemasonry is in no way a cult, it isn't a society bent on controlling the world nor does it want to create a "masonic government"
Masonry is not a religion nor a substitute for a religion.
Freemasons do not discuss religion or politics with each other as these are conflict points. Thus there can be no Masonic government.

There will be people that claim the masons are creating a NWO or are evil and covering up things, or worshiping "the devil" these will be addressed in the first step.

First and foremost. This is an Instructable on how to become a Freemason. This is not an information report on what they do or who they are. I am a 1st degree Mason and my oath states that I can not talk about what goes on inside the lodge. Please do not take this as a conspiracy theory. There is plenty of information available from mason websites. Please do not take things that sound outlandish to be true.

I had small conspiracy theories about the masons. Instead of sitting behind my keyboard and believing everything on the internet i decided to join. and i have found it to be positive experience that has helped me become a better man.

4/8/2010 Attained 2nd degree. Am now a Fellowship Freemason.
In this degree you learn a lot of different and new things to your first degree. Again I cant talk about these thats what the journey is for.

Step 1: Outlandish Claims.

 Claims of NWO (new world order), devil worship, and evil masons are circulating the internet. Here is the truth. un bias.

NWO claims. Masonic government. Masons dont support government on any side and do not discuss politics with each other. Therefore it is difficult to create a Masonic gov.

devil worship. as masons don't support any single religion how can they worship the devil. Satan is a Catholic/Christian belief. Masons don't look at any one religion so how can they worship a devil?

evil masons. Within every element of society there are bad people. this includes masonry. yes there are some bad seeds. but the overall majority is very very good

Step 2: How to become a Freemason.


Do your research.
This isnt a thing to take lightly. Go onto wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/freemasonry  , look at official freemason websites. Gather your own opinion if it is correct for you. Does it suit you as a person?
You need to be male (there is co-freemasonry for females) a man of good morals, believe in a higher power of your choice. Be over 18/21 depending on your location. There is only so much I can say without breaking my oath. So the best research tools you have are, united grand lodge england webpage. you states grand lodge web page. for those americans reading this be careful there is no such thing as the united grand lodge of america.

Co-freemasonry isn't a recognised path of the masons. Men should join a regular lodge. But women if you want something like freemasonry the closest you will get is Co-.

If you feel that Freemasonry is your path. Then you need to do one of 2 things.

1. Approach a Mason you know. 1-2 masons within your knowledge can make initiation a lot faster and easier. They will be your mentor and you will be able to go through with someone you know.

2. Approach a lodge. If you don't know a Mason you must approach your nearest lodge. They will ask the Grand lodge to appoint someone your mentor. This step takes longer because you need to be "investigated" by the Grand Lodge.

After you have approached you will fill in some paperwork. Which is your name address and a few references.

Once that is completed you will be "investigated"

Step 3: Investigation

This isn't as spooky and stalker as it sounds.
After your move to be initiated has been put to vote. (generally you will pass this stage. As long as you are a good character)

Your investigation will be. You sit down with 4 or more Masons. They will ask you questions about why you want to join Freemasonry, what you can contribute, what you expect from it. Etc. There are no personal questions.
Oh and You can not have criminal convictions. For example speeding fines are ok but if you killed 4 people you wont be getting in. My suggestion if u have a criminal charge ask the lodge if it will affect your application.

Also this is a good time to ask to see if the lodge is "regular" which means they are a genuine Freemason lodge. They should have a big certificate from the grand lodge to prove this. If you join a "irregular" lodge you will be banned from true freemasonry

Step 4: Initiation

After a few months wait. (depending on your location) You will be initiated.
There are several things to remember when going for initiation.
1. You DO NOT ride a goat around the room.
2. Every mason before you has done this exact same thing.
3. you are perfectly safe.
4. There is a tidal wave of information. most of it goes over your head but u still get coated in water.

I can not talk about the initiation  as it is against the oath i took. and you will also take this oath. just so you know there is nothing stupid, embarrassing, evil or dangerous.

Yes you will be blindfolded for the first half of the initiation process. this is symbolic. it is not ment to scare you. and you always have someone with you to guide you around and tell you what to say.

It is ok to be nervous. I was sweating bullets. Just remember every mason before you has been through the exact same thing.

Step 5: What to expect After.

After your initiation you will be an Entered Apprentice. 1st degree Mason. In common masonry there is a 2nd and 3rd degree to move up too.

You will be given a book on Masonry, a card, and i was given a copy of the initiation ceremony in book form.  please note. the books and cards are missing a lot of words. replaced by blank spaces. this is so a non mason cant read it.
This depends on your grand lodge. Some do not allow you to have anything written.
please also note i will not sell you my book.

now you attend lodge. try and go to as many as you can. I live in a small quiet area and there are 7 a month for me to attend. all of which are optional. you will be a member of one lodge and may visit any other lodge. please note as a 1st degree you can not sit in on certain meetings. once you get to your 3rd u can sit in on all.

by this stage you will know what you are doing.

please remember that freemasonry is not a game. if you want to join then make the commitment.


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